Communication Companies Learning From the Railroad Industry

“Email companies, phone companies, cell phone companies, instant messaging companies, and VolP companies all need to realize that they are in the communications business or they will become obsolete one day (Gerlinghouse, 2006). This quote by Brad Gerlinghouse (Senior Vice President of Communications at Yahoo) made this quote having railroad companies from the past in mind. What do railroad companies have to do with online communication and communication as a whole? Well, Brad reminded a group of business students at Harvard that railroad companies declined because they assumed they were in the railroad business, when actually they were in the transportation business (Gerlinghouse, 2006). The point is that communicating online, or in any form, is here to stay, and if companies want to stay in business and contribute to online communication they better be wise and not rest on their laurels. Innovation, collaboration, and thinking ahead are the ingredients that communication companies need to have if they want to remain relevant in the future.

To Print Or Not To Print That Is The Question

"It's going to be really bloody, incredibly devastating," Potts predicts. "And I think there are going to be a lot of major metros that don't make it (Potts, 2008)." This statement is the opinion of Mark Potts, a newspaper consultant, on the future of the print newspaper in an online world. To gain information it is becoming more common to get the news from the Internet than it is from the print newspaper. In a busy world one can find local news as well as world news quicker on the Internet than they can by reading several different newspapers. Online newspapers also give one the ability to read newspapers from areas that they did not previously have access to. It is not just the ease of online news that is impacting print news, but the loss of revenue as well. Print newspapers are feeling the pressure of the loss of advertisers and customers which in turn is impacting the revenue of the newspaper. Only time will tell if Mark Potts is correct or if the print newspaper will rise to the occasion and fight for their existence.


Layton, C. (Jun/July 2008). American Journalism Review. Vol. 30 (3) pp 34-39. Retrieved from

Internet Research....Influences our Purchases

“Nearly half of all retail purchases will be influenced by consumers' research on the Internet.”

Most of us are going so fast in the world today that we do not even realize that we are right in the middle history being made. Technology is changing so fast and we are evolving as a society that I don’t think we are stopping to smell the roses. Moving at such a fast pace is driving the market to change and keep us looking for the next best thing. We can access the internet on the computer and now on our mobile phones, As we continue to evolve in our use of technology, the marketing genius out there will figure out a way better way to deliver us the message. Next time you are in Best Buy, pop out your phone and compare prices with Circuit City or even Amazon and ensure we are getting the best product at the best possible price.

Schatsky, David. "The web's new frontier: how the internet economy is reshaping American business in '07.(OPINION)." MEDIAWEEK 17.2 (Jan 8, 2007): 11(1). Academic OneFile. Gale. BCR Regis University. 1 Aug. 2008 .

Information Overload!

I found one of the more interesting articles that I read as part of my research to be 'Explaining the Relationship between Internet Use and Interpersonal Trust: Taking into Account Motivation and Information Overload' by Beaudoin. This is possibly due to the fact that I was in the midst of information overload as I was conducting my research! I found that:

"The inverse path from perceived information overload to interpersonal trust makes sense in that people's perceptions of information overload can lead to the termination and diminished effects of information processing (Hiltz & Turoff, 1985; Rogers & Agarwala-Rogers, 1975). While Internet use predicts interpersonal trust, it appears that this development can be undermined during instances of information overload."

Was an applicable quote to experiences that I have had while researching using the Internet. I often experience a great degree of information overload while extracting information from the web. This overload leads to a condition of distrust of the information that I am reading. Publishers on the Internet are often very willing to express their opinions but there is no accountability to correlate them to existing opinions. Piling all of these opinions into the various blogs, forums, and websites of the Internet makes searches for information often return many many results, without corrolation between the sources or frequently any follow-up as ideas are objected to.

Researchers should bear this in mind as they are seeking information on the web. Using good researching skills is imperative as is maintaining a level mind.

Earning online degrees

“Earning an online bachelors degree is a perfect way for individuals that are currently employed full time to further their careers. By studying online individuals can keep their regular job and still earn a degree in record time” (Jackson 2007). This almost sounds like a “sales pitch”! When I looked into going back to school I did not want to take classroom studies because I did not think I could attend classes on a regular schedule. I thought it would be EASIER to take online classes. Online classes are more expensive and I have to believe require more work. Yes it is a convenience to work from home and I am learning so much and enjoy every online class I have taken at Regis but there are times that I think that promoting online classes is a sales pitch to get people who cannot attend classroom studies (old guys like me) on a regular basis to give the institution more revenue. Education is what you make of it and it doesn’t matter if you take online courses or classroom courses. I definitely would promote online classes for the education you get opposed to the convenience.
Jackson, Joyce, (2007), Advantages to Completing An Online Bachelors Degree, retrieved from internet

Internet Addiction

“Internet addiction has become a prevailing problem in the modern wired society.” (Liu, C. and Kuo, F. 2007, pg 799.)

This article published in CyberPsychology & Behavior states that Internet addiction has become more prevalent not just domestically but globally as well. Although the article itself had a very scientific abstract based on Interpersonal Theory, it’s not difficult to figure out in laymen’s terms just how this technologically advanced tool has changed the world around us. Although “addiction” is not necessarily a word that most would want to accept as true with regard to the Internet, it seems as if this term is here to stay. Children and teenagers are addicted to such web sites as MySpace and Facebook. Adults can find themselves in trouble on gambling and pornography web sites. Some individuals who have social anxiety often use chat rooms – even if only innocently – to communicate with others in a way they normally would not be able to face-to-face. It is easy to understand why the Internet can have such an effect on people. Unfortunately, it can – and has – become a breeding ground for more problems for those who are truly addicted.

Learning how to change format

Is this one way to change the format by having bold letters?

First Article Review from Week 5 Cyberspace Class

“In 2002 and beyond, we can expect to change the way we communicate with patients” (Baum, 2002, pg.1). Doctor Baum’s quote six years ago is nothing less than prophetic. In the past, if you were to go to the doctor for a blood test or x-ray you would have to wait a few weeks to get your test results. In addition, you would also have to call the doctor’s office to discuss your results with your doctor. Nowadays, no one has time to play phone tag. Besides, phone tag is very inconvenient. In fact, playing phone tag is down right bothersome. Because of technology and the internet many doctor’s offices have been able to avoid the waiting inconveniences of the past. Doctors can now send a confidential email to a patient within 24 hours if that patient wishes to communicate by e-mail. The internet may have its critics; but any type of technology that can make the average doctor’s visit more comfortable and efficient is something all of us can appreciate.

Times, U. (2002). Consider communicating with your patients online: develop guidelines, patient-selection criteria, and methods to protect patient privacy. Retrieved July 28, 2008 from