What is Twitter?

“What is Twitter? It is many different things to many different people” says Daniel Nations from About.com in his 2010 article title simply, What is Twitter? Twitter Explained. I selected this form of social media as I was quite frankly clueless and am “old school” according to my children. Social media itself boggles my mind with its instant connection to the world and people. But Twitter brings instant connection into a totally new realm of “hyper-instant” that can be used for all three types of communication: impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal again supporting Mr. Nations definition of Twitter being “many different thing to many different people” (Nations, 2010).
Mostly the craze with Twitter is advertised for use to give out hyperpersonal communication for those that like to share their daily activities to post them to the world, such as, “I just finished making dinner.” But if you take that statement further using Twitter and “tweet.” I just finished making dinner using Alfalfa’s Organic Bean Sprouts and it was great,” you have extended your communication into both hyperpersonal and interpersonal advertising to try entice you to try the sprouts. And finally you can go one more step and “tweet” Made dinner, Use Alfalfa’s Organic Sprouts recipe I saw on Healthy Cooking Twitter, bought them at 9th Street Market, on sale! Perfect for the health and pocket” you add to your hyperpersonal, interpersonal statement a new twist of marketing for Alfalfa Sprouts.
I did not realize the extensive use of Twitter until I read this article and finally got it. “Twitter is micro-blogging. It is social messaging. It is an event coordinator, a business tool, a news reporting service and a marketing utility”(Nations, 2010).
Nations, D. (2010). “What is Twitter? Twitter Explained.” About.com. Retrieved December 10, 201 from


Unknown said...

I think that twitter can be way overused, I guess its just me, but i really don't need to know that my friends on her way to the coffee shop, unless of course she is meeting me there. lol I think for some people its a great way to communicate but not for me.

pdburk said...

Social net working has changed so fast. One has to be willing to learn new technology to keep up with it.

Linda Jackson said...

Personal I do not want to know whatsmeone is doing every minute o their day. However twitter is helpful to catch criminal because they feel the need to publish what they are doing even though they are in hiding.

Chris said...

I don't think Twitter is for me either. Of course, 20 years ago I didn't see the need for a cell phone either.

Karen said...

I am probably "old school" too in that I really don't want people to know where I am all the time or what I'm doing. There are times I am just "not available." I love my friends and family, but I don't feel the need to know every minute of their day. Maybe one day I'll be enlightened, but today, that's not the case.

Corie Lee said...

When I first became involved with social networking, I also didn't understand the need for a bulletin board-style network that limited posts to 140 characters total. Within a very short time period almost every company's home page posted the tiny blue "t" with a hyperlnk to their Twitter page. Soon I began to catch on and now I use it as a strong tool for communicating informally and quickly to my company's followers. What's great abut it is that consumers can have a more "personal" experience with the company because this is a direct portal into the heart of the company. Whether it's praise or criticism, we still provide feedback to that person's comment, which generally promotes a satisfied feeling from our customers. It turns out they like being heard just as much as we do!