Cyber Bullying

The National Crime Prevention Counsel's definition of cyber-bullying is "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person." What it comes down to is the biggest kid on the playground has gone hi-tech and can now torment their prey 24/7. Ironically enough, the very world in which many victims once fled to every afternoon has become just as abusive as their school day. Social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook allow for slanderous statements to be made with little retaliation. In my opinion, much of this I view as petty since it can do little to disparage an adult but in the highly impressionable world of a teenager it can be as devastating as a pantsing at prom. These formidable years of youth are rife with infighting, cattiness and cruelty; all of which can lead to depression which long outlasts the years past 12th grade.

In the wake of several teen suicides, cyber-bullying has become the matter of numerous news stories. What was once parents' largest fear being online predators, they must now ensure their child's well-being from what we think are their friends. Of course, being parents we have the disadvantage of not knowing the intricacies of our children's relationships with their peers other than what we are told...because of course, we've never been in their shoes and couldn't possibly understand. Perhaps they're right, though. We didn't have cell phones and we certainly didn't have texting, camera phones to capture every embarrassing incident, e-mail or youtube to publish our worst moments.

Legislation is being passed in numerous states making cyber-bullying a crime. To what degree should it be though? Does it rate a felony or a misdemeanor? By making it a felony, the perpetrators face having a lifelong mark against them but does a misdemeanor fit a crime which could possibly lead to suicide? This brave new world we live in will require an adjustment to the potential and the dangers it creates.

1 comment:

WizardGirl said...

I have witnessed this first hand with my 15 year old niece. Some of her classmates would post really horrible lies things about her on MySpace to the point where she didnt want to go to school. Finally after a few weeks, she confronted the group of girls about it and they beat her up and all girls got suspended (even my niece). Apparently my niece had started talking to a boy one of the cyber-bully girls liked and that is what started the whole thing.