Is Text Messaging a Mental Illness?

If you can't stop texting you may have Mental Illness, if you are texting about 3,000 to 5,000 a month you know it's bad and you have a problem. When we mention texting one may assume teenagers as the main source of this problem, but it's not it's Adults like you and me. Adults have this issue and take the problem one step further in that we can pay for unlimited texting. The advantage is that we control our own issues and for many of us who choose not to text as often are stuck paying the bill for our significant other. The habit becomes so bad Psychiatrists are diagnosing obsessive texting as a form of Mental Illness. According to the Journal of Psychiatry if you text too much during the day or night you probably have a problem.

I think texting when deemed appropriate is good and when taking advantage of causes problems in the household for those of us who are married or called for. Experts say you can really get addicted because you can get away with it when you are not supposed to. It' more discrete that talking on the phone which can lead to bigger problems with your boss or co-partner. Experts say there are four distinct symptoms to diagnosing texting as a Mental Illness:

1. Excessive use ( neglect day to day activities)
2. Withdrawal (feeling depressed when not accessible)
3. Tolerance (over texting)
4. Negative Repercussion (social isolation)

But with texting becoming the most popular way to communicate without communicating, some say it may or may not be a form of Mental Illness. Everyday moments are often taken for granted. These seemingly insignificant messages distract our attention from the present, moments that occur only once.


Novelty Pens said...

It can be an inappropriate distraction and dangerous at times...such as texting while driving.

Anonymous said...

I agree that in some people it can lead to a mental disease. My husband recently got into an affait with a women. She and he text all the time. It is a controlling way they both us to make sure they are communicating all the time. He is never far away from his phone. He neglects his child constantly because he is ALWAYS TEXTING. My teenage daughter can't even stand texting now. It is dangerous for some people who are prone to mental illnesses.

Stephanie said...

A researcher from RMIT University discovered the following probable disorders by teens who do excessive texting:

* Textiety: a sense of anxiety from not sending or receiving text messages.

* Textaphrenia: thinking you've heard or felt a new text message vibration when there is actually no message.

* Binge texting: sending massive amounts of texts to build self-esteem among peers.

- Post-traumatic text disorder: injuries linked to texting, such as walking into objects by not minding your surroundings.

hmmmm quite interesting!