Karen Johnson - Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day?

"Other forms of social problems involve the easy access to pornography and “cybersex”. There has been the designing of wireless sex suits which supposedly gives the user a virtual sexual experience via teledildonic [sic] devices that, it turns out, look a lot like dildonic [sic] devices (Stein, 2000). The suits apparently frighten the users more than pleasure them, but development of such devices progresses as a way to wirelessly enjoy sex. A social decline and rise in wireless forms of communication has replaced intimate talking and face-to-face interactions with images of sensual arousal and sex performed in real time via a digital medium." (Javadi 2005)

I was both interested in delving deeper into ethics along with researching what some of the latest and greatest technological offering in the arenas of wireless communications, mobile devices and the internet. Initially the thought was to find what was the societal impact of wireless communication in terms of it's origination and development and impact on future technology. This class has been about how we use the internet and this technology to communicate with one another. I know that a lot of this technology takes away from the face to face communication and even the use of the telephone but this technology referenced above takes this to another level of “non person to person” communication.

Like many other parents, I often lament over the fact that the best way to reach my 22 and 24 year old children is to send them a text message. Heck the best way to reach just about anyone now is to send a text message, well maybe except for my parents, but they still don't even have call waiting on their phone. Our society is moving to a world were telecommuting for work is becoming ever increasingly popular, even online class offerings are filling a much needed niche in our educational system. While there are many many positive uses for this technology this, in my opinion, bizarre article saddens me to think that what should be an very intimate, loving, caring act with another human being can be turned looked at, researched and possibly further developed so that sex is truly “cybersex” with no face to face, no vocal communication, no real communication with another human being. I am offering these thoughts, views up for discussion and comment. Just where are we going with this?


Kia Javadi (2005) Impact Of Wireless Technology On Society, Retrieved from http://www.askkia.com/articles/societal-impact-of-wireless-technology-on-society.html

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