Avatars and Online Communication

“Avatars, or visual, on-screen representations of users, are a common element of online environments that facilitate or allow social interaction. Past research has found that avatars in immersive virtual environments can contribute to a sense of emotional involvement”. There have been great research studies exploring the idea that avatars can contribute to feelings of emotional connectedness in interactions online.
I’ve actually done a test with avatars in the workplace using a tool that helped two teams that worked remotely interact with each other. I added a few items that had an avatar associated, and quickly realized that these were the items that received either the most responses; or they were viewed more. I believe that the use of avatars truly helped people feel more engaged to the post or the item. Because they can see directly who they are speaking to or interacting with, they are more compelled to provide insight as well. My article actually shows that avatars actually generate emotional involvement in online communication, and that users exhibited strong preferences for avatars than those without.
In asynchronous communication, there is consistent evidene that avatars will generate the sense of emotional involvement. Rather, the actual representation of a human being behind some of these blog posts or software tools gives readers a stronger sense that they are in fact communicated with a person, which leads them to help or respond. Additionally, the use of avatars improves the effectiveness of a site, such as online learning. Even though I don’t have an avatar up, I do feel like I am communicated more effectively with someone and I can put a face to a name.
CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. April 1, 2011. 


Anonymous said...

It is pretty interesting information about avatars and the studied performed

Anonymous said...

I personally believe that adding an avatars will make communication more efficient. I am a online learner and before I start a class I usually call the professors cell phone so I can here there voice. It allows me to make an connection with the professor. And when I can hear their voice I can image hearing them when I read a post that has been presented by the professor.