INSTA FAN OF INSTAGRAM- Because Everyone Is Doing It

Sharon G.

What is Instagram?
Anyone and everyone who associates with face book can somewhat associate with Instagram. Instead of unfiltered unphotoshopped photos, now you can make that picture of   Redbull you had this morning look like it came out of a Picasso painting. People all over the world no longer have to wonder what you’re having for lunch, the latest craze is food photography. An average of 100 million users so far, have download the Instagram application on their iphones, droids, or other mobile devices  . Finding it not so hard to believe that Instagram is not much different from facebook or twitter. Take away the constant location updates and frequent status updates with sad songs. Oh wait! You can still do all of that with quote photos you can snatch off the internet with your phone. Unlike face, Instagram is a mobile application, instead of sitting at a desk top to update statuses, you update as you go and only as you go.
I have observed that Instagrammers are divided into three types of people. first, The Creeper, users who make Instagram accounts and are following 200 people yet have no photos posted what so ever, so they just like to watch. Second, Hopelessly devoted to instagram, users who absolutely post pictures every five minutes in the day, from the time they wake up, wake up to take a pee, when they go back to bed, You know what time of day it is because they let you know. And third is The double life.

The Creeper. They are everywhere. They log on to view everyones pictures and don’t say anything. They don‘t even have pictures posted, they just sit and watch. How disturbing! An Aunt, an Uncle an ex boyfriend/girlfriend making a fake account. This can make anyone paranoid. Ask yourself, Why are you following me? We have no mutual friends, you have no pictures to share, don’t even have a profile picture. Pressing that button to delete and block works until they recreate a new profile.

The Hopelessly devoted to Instagram. It is 6am and they’re about to go for a jog. So incase everyone has forgotten what jogging is all about let’s take a picture of some shoes, preferably at ankle to toe pose, sweatband, and the ground they are running on, finish it off with twenty hash tags (number or pound sign as we call it in the non cyber crazy world) #morning #jog #nike #sweat #California. Because the gps location that tagged their picture as being in California wasn’t obvious enough nor was the nike brand swoosh on the shoe.
Double life . What goes on Instagram doesn’t show up on facebook. Instagrammers that make their pages private and monitor who friend requests. If you are lucky enough to have them as a follower, they can view all your photos but if they don’t accept your request, you can’t peer behind that user’s wall of secrecy. Tough luck. Some have over one thousand followers on Instagram but three hundred on face book. Hashtagging every Vegas photo earning them more followers, more random comments from strangers that they’d never accept on facebook for friends and family to see. Some can be wild and out of control a persona, a side of someone you never thought you’d see.

Instagram is new it’s something I think will go on for a very long time or until they start charging a usage fee. Until then, creepers stay creepier, the hopelessly devoted stay hopeless, and people living double lives continue to post what they are really doing. Oh Instagram.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed hearing about the 10,000 users, Instagram culture and phenomenon. It sounds like a very addictive site. Prof J.

Unknown said...

I love your style of writing! The humor that you brought to the education of the phenomena known as Instagram was hilarious! It makes me feel so sad for the "hopelessly devoted....I think I need to take a picture of a sad face so you know exactly how I feel. Mike

Anonymous said...

Are you still considered a creeper if you get an account to spy on your children?

Chris Howell said...

I really enjoyed this post on Instagram. It is a very addictive app. My wife uses it all the time posting pictures of our children mostly. I have an account too, but rarely post a picture. I think I might have one foot in the Creeper group! I'll start posting more pictures ASAP.


Stan said...

If you get an account from peer pressure, like everyone saying "You need to be on instagram", and you add your friends but never do anything but log in once a month, does that make me a creeper? (I'm following 4 people, not 200 :)

- Stan

Anonymous said...


Are there only three types of people on Instagram? I also feel that there may be hybrids of people.
I wholeheartedly agreed with your description of creeper and hopelessly devoted Instagram types.
It made me laugh when you mentioned that plethora of names for the "#" symbol. For current cyberers, it is called a hash tag. I remember calling it a pound or number sign also. It is a pet peeve when they write sentences or description filled with hashtags, all for raising the possibility of others sharing or reading their post.
Instagram -- another social site in cyberspace.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It’s social media like instagram that have made me hate social media. I used to like it, it used to be fun. I used to love to shoot the breeze with my friends online, but now I can’t help but get angry at it. I don’t care about your moca latte grand frap looks like. Nor do I care about what your running shoes look like (it’s funny that you mention that because that is exactly what my sister-in-law does, she’s the hopeless type). I think I just stopped caring about wanting to know what is going on in everyone’s life, especially the people who I haven’t seen in years in “real life”. I think I get angry at social media like facebook and instagram because of the vanity everyone has. This has become the age of the “selfies”, where people just keep taking pictures of themselves. When I see a photo of a “selfie” I can’t help but feel as if they are screaming to me “Please help!!! I need someone to comment and say how handsome, buff, or pretty I look because my self esteem is so dang low.” I understand there are plenty of legitimate people out there who don’t just use instagram for their own vanity pit, but I think all three types you have mentioned are pretty shallow. Jusy sayin.

Also, the photo pictured pretty much sums up why I am fed up.