Communication In CyberSpace

Rheingold (200) stated that "cyberspace is not identical with computer media, but rather is the context in which such communication occurs; nor is it the same as the computer network. But instead is the sense of place created through such networks."

My definition of cyberspace started from chatting place in late 90s and now is a place I can get any information including movie, music, and picture along with massive data.

While was reading Rheingold’s article, I found the term telepresence. According to wiki, telepresence allows the person who is using the system to act from a distance, which interestingly is used to operate even activities in outer space. Terms like telepresence were big in the early 90s, along with virtual reality, but have not received the same popular attention over the past decade or so.

I started to notice there are many words actually start with cyber. One of the words interest me is CyberPlace. CyberPlace refers to CyberNetworks that include anything ranging from a virtual office, school to electronic versions of actual locations. I subconsciously take part in each one of those listed above-- work conference website, blackboard for school, and Google map. However, actually thinking about it reminds of what might possibly happen if this technology keeps expanding. I am wondering if the computers and CyberNetwork will replace human interaction. In my opinion, these substitutes will actually take over just like in the movies.



Rheingold, Howard (2000). The virtual community - Chapter Two: Daily Life in Cyberspace. MIT Press. Retrieved from

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