The last self-help book you need isn’t a book it’s this blog

There are over 70,000 self-help books on Amazon. The bulk of these “helpful” books are categorized under: Personal Transformation, Motivational, and Success. I ask “what has happened to us, as a people that would propel such a market, are we really lost?”

A 2009 article on Forbes contains data from Marketdata Enterprises which apparently tracks such useful information. “Americans spent $11 billion in 2008 on self-improvement books, CDs, seminars, coaching and stress-management programs” ( I too can be considered among the masses that have rifled through the self-improvement section at a Barnes and Noble. But why, we are stressed - sure, we want more out of life - okay, we want more money and more friends – yes of course. So, if we are too fat it’s not the doctor we listen to, it’s Jullian Michaels. If we don’t have personal or professional relationships that’s okay too because we have Dale Carnegie and the books and seminars that go along with “Win(ning) friends and influencing people.”

Winning friends and influencing people? Are you serious?

Why is this, the self-help blog that will end your quest for the next book or seminar? Because it’s time to grow up and stand on your own. You want to better yourself?

My two “sense” in four bullet points:

• Read philosophy even if you can’t stand it.
• Drink tea even if you can’t stomach it.
• Exercise and eat wisely.
• Play nice with each other – it can be a mean world out there.

Do the tough things you would rather not do - this is what life is all about. To live is to win and to lose. The key should be to strive for the middle ground between suffering and happiness.
Don’t look for hope in a book its something you carry within yourself everywhere you go –pause for affect - awe.

Linder, Melanie. (2009). What people are still willing to pay for. Retrieved from

1 comment:

Chris Steele said...

The pictures give this post a good attention getter. I never knew these statistics about money spent on self-help books. I like the tips as well, exercising has been known to help with depression and aide creativity.