Designing a Blog Post

Designing a Blog Post

The purpose of a blog is to form an opinion or thought about a subject that is of particular interest to someone. A purpose can be about why it is important to write about a topic. The purpose of my first blog was to inform the audience that the internet is not just a safe place especially when terrorists and hackers are involved. I was attempting to open the minds of the audience to look at the internet and the amount of information that can be easily accessible. The audience, a target audience, is who you want to focus on, because they will be your readers and commentators. Once you analyze and interpret the audiences’ wants and needs, you are able to start gathering the information. You want to leave the audience questioning for further research and leave them pondering. Writing needs to have both a purpose and an audience. Furthermore, writers need to advertise and sell their product which in this case, would be the blog article.


No Author. (2011) “Writing Guide: Purpose”. Retrieved From

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