Did you hear what I heard ?.......by mikie b

‘The history of the social impact of technology reveals the existing connections between a particular type of technology and a specific form of society. Not every technology serves any society, nor can every society absorb any kind of technology. Insofar as the technological factor is the instrumental variable, and given that machines are incapable, still, of dictating social ideals, it falls exclusively to the social body to determine the models of coexistence that it wants to establish
Piscitelli, Alejandro (2002) Ciberculturas 2.0, Paidos, Buenos Aires.

We are in the age of machines. Not unlike the industrial revolution of the 1800's which was fueled by the invention of the steam engines, this present day one is driven by the electronics revolution. Never in history have communication and technology combined to become such a global force. What drives this development of science and technologies is the overwhelming need to consolidate power. For in order to maintain power you must be stronger then your adversary As the jailer in George Orwell’s 1984 says: that power is not a means to an end, that the object of power is power it self.

This technology also has an effect on global politics. More then 90% of the scientific research takes place in a handful of nations. This results in a technological gap which in turn becomes a powerful source of dependency for the majority of nations. This technology of politics can be seen quite vividly in the election process which has fast become a media spectacle. This as the candidate’s try to sell their image as their consultants put “spin” on the news stores that incessantly appear on our televisions.

As it was with the ending of the Cold War which was to be the beginning of a new world era of open borders and trade World leaders and Economists spoke of an global economy where the cup of wealth would overflow on to the less fortunate thereby creating a worldly paradise it never happened. We continue to live in a world of have and have not’s. So how do we strike a balance between this revolution and human dignity? We need communication that cultivates a community thereby enabling the silenced to be heard and denouncing discrimination and oppression.

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