Therapy for Therapist

“It is the oddest thing to spend the entire day in a closed room listening to the deepest thoughts of others, and know the community outside my door is engaged in regular small talk which passes me by entirely." (, Jan/Feb 2007)
I found this quote to be intriguing to say the least. This quote was found under an article entitled Therapy: The Loneliest Profession. As a relationship therapist (in my own right) and counselor to several friends and family I found this to be relative and true. I think therapist are born as great listeners and taught to provide possible solutions to challenging areas in life so it can be difficult to separate the profession of listening and responding to listening and relaxing. Have you ever spoken to a therapist? General conversation can sometimes be a challenge within itself. They are so accustomed to listening for an underlying issue in day-to-day conversation they miss the mere enjoyment of “regular small talk”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article reminds me of people in certain professional fields, asked if they do the same thing in there spare time... I think a lot of people do, and depending on the profession it can lead to isolationism in regards to social tunnel vision. Take police for example, when they get of duty most tend to socialize with people from the same precincts. It does take some effort to break these unseen barriers and reach out to other social groups. This also holds true to jobs changing the way you face society. With your therapist, the inability to carry on a normal conversation without analyzing it for ulterior motives can be very difficult.