Giving up Reading and Writing

Hello, I am Joslin. I am a very outgoing person and love to be surrounded by those that make me laugh. I work full time and decided to pursue furthering my education by taking a variety of classes.

Article: Voice-In/Voice-Out computers and the Postliterate Era
By: William Crossman

One interesting fact that was surprising while researching voice communication with computers is that the technology headed our way may infact change our education system and force the ability to read and write obsolete.

The author of this article states, "VIVOs will allow the world's millions of functionally nonliterate people to access all information via the Internet and Web without having to learn to read and write."

Computer are moving in the direction of also allowing everyone, regardless of language, to communicate together and breaking down the foreign language barriers.

One last interesting statement in this article is that "by 2050, there will be no reason to require young people to learn to read and write because writing - as we know it today - will have become an obsolete technology."

My question is: Should reading and writing become obsolete just because we will be able to "speak" to our electronic devices?

Source: The Futurist, March-April 2007,

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