Reliance on Social Media by Students

By: Rebekah Silk

“Student reliance on social media is undeniable” Sacks, M., & Graves, N. (2012)

The reliance students have on social media is the new in thing, social media can include, Facebook, twitter and YouTube just to name a few. Social media not only serve as communication tools for students but shape the way they build their social and professional identities. When I think about social networking I think about communicating with friends and family. I never thought I would be communicating with students and doing research work and getting class projects done. Social media is not only being used by students but it’s also now being used by HR personnel to search for potential job candidates. Social media is now replacing communication by email and telephone. You can easily instant message someone which could possibly replace text messaging. You have an application you can download on your smart phone, which will put in constant communication with everyone on your networking site. Social media is now how others communicate; we can just say “look me up on Facebook”. This is a huge way to network and get yourself or business known.

In conclusion on the reliance on social media by students as well as employers, businesses and friends, you never know what you can do when you are communicating in cyberspace. There are so many ways to relate to others and now you can do school work with other students in other states or countries or right next door. The possibilities never end.

Reference: Sacks, M., & Graves, N. (2012). How Many “Friends” Do You Need? Teaching Students How to Network Using Social Media. Business Communication Quarterly, 75(1), 80-88


Leighann Abeyta said...

I agree that social media in our society is now big, if not a humongous form of advertising and communication for people. The internet has begun to dramatically take over the way we do certain things each day. Families advertise their child's birthday parties to other family members on their social media sites, such as facebook, myspace, and twitter. Even things as big as the current presidential election are using all media sites for advertisement and exposure. We are in a new day and age where social media websites have begun to help create history.

Unknown said...

I agree, social media has been slowly taking over as the new form of communication. During the most recent hurricane on the east coast, the mayor used twitter to communicate with his constituents and quickly help people find aid. Presidential candidates are polling and searching for followers through facebook and twitter. Employers are requiring employees to write articles and develop ads for their commercial facebook pages, blogs, newsletters and twitter feeds. Offices are allowing more telecommuting than ever before as online meeting software and video chat/screen sharing software allow people to work as if together in the same office. These sites will continue to grow and impact how we communicate with the world and as we do so, our security of this data and what we post on these public sites will need to be protected even more. Our image will soon be seen and scrutinized before we ever have a face to face meeting with someone.

Tim Modjeski said...

Its amazing how important social media is with school. I read in USNews that 68% of students have used a social media website just to research future schools. I know I did when I chose Regis, I found more useful information from Facebook then on any other website. While being in school, YouTube has been an extremely importannt reference for most of my papers. You can pretty much YouTube anything and find some useful information. I actually got behind in one of my Accounting courses and I was able to find a YouTube page from a professor at Cornell which I used to help me learn. I am shocked how useful these sites really are for school!