cyber bullies

"On MySpace, as well as on the social networking site, there are hundreds of groups featuring the words 'Hitler' or 'Nazi,' many established to promote neo-Nazism and other anti-Semitic feelings...In the Internet era, it appears there are more people interested in spewing hate than in countering it.” Christopher Wolf, JD November 8, 2007

This quote I thought was extremely powerful because I believe that Christopher Wolf did a phenomenal job illustrating the hate that can be bread on the internet, and more specifically through social networking sites. Unfortunately we live in a time where bullies are no longer on the playground but now we have a new breed of bullies known as cyber bullies. When I first started my research, I was more curious about how people recklessly place personal information on the internet through these social media networks but I was intrigued as I learned more and more about the amount of distaste and intolerance towards others can sometimes be found all over these sites. When I look at social networking and microblogs, there is a definite double aged approach to this new way of communicating on the upside it is possible to instantly share and network on a global scale, on the other side the ability to misuse this type of communication is tremendous in addition to also taking away our ability to communicate face to face. When I look at social networking I can see the tremendous upside to this form of communication. As I stated earlier we know have the ability to communicate instantly on a global scale which great. This form of communication can be used to not only keep people informed on current events, but it also has the possibility to save lives.

 As I was researching on social networking I came across an article of a person that was able to tweet during the tsunami that hit Japan last year which aided to his successful rescue. So in this instance the social networking turned out to be a lifesaver. On the other hand social networking can also be a very be a very negative platform. This form of communicating has allowed individuals the ability to voice his or her opinion with little to no thought of their actions. The internet and social networking has given birth to a new type of bully and predator, I am sure that we have all seen Chris Hansen on Date Line To Catch A Predator. It has become a very scary and exciting situation when we think of the potential benefits and draw backs to social networking. In conclusion after I have weighed all of the potential risk I still am for social networking. Ultimately I think that there should be stricter rule and regulations governing these social networking sites, but ultimately I believe that it ultimately falls on us as a society to stay observant and take the inactive to protect ourselves. I think that with every great achievement comes a considerable risk and this is something that as I see it will never change. Social media can be a great way to communicate but with the obvious potential for misuse we must be proactive rather than reactive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This entry brought to light such a relevant and concerning issue. The relationship we have with social media such as networking sites is such a love hate one. The benefits of using these sites are awesome, but the negatives can be heart wrenching. People need to make a conscious effort to protect their privacy as best they can, and to not ignore cyber bulling when they see it. If the media sites take a more proactive stance in monitoring what gets posted on their sites and removing, even banning 'hate' words, it will make a big difference.