Are you Safe using Online Dating Services?

Are you Safe using Online Dating Services?

Many people are resorting to online dating to find their “soul mate”. These individuals assume their information and personal security is safe when they meet and go on a date with someone from the dating site. Recently, a woman, later revealed as Carole Markin, was attacked and raped by a man she had met on an online dating site, “” Markin claims she was sexually assaulted by a man she had met on the website. After the second date the man, identified as Alan Wurtzel, followed Markin to her home where he proceeded directly to the bathroom then returned and attacked her. Unknown to Markin, Wurtzel is a convicted sex offender who in 2000 publicly advertised a “room for rent” scam. When interested individuals arrived at the rented location, Wurtzul proceeded to grope the victims or masturbate in front of them. Wurtzel was convicted of six counts of sexual battery, received six years’ probation, one year in jail, and a mandatory sex offender registry. Additionally, Wurtzel victimized a female officer during an undercover investigation.

So, we ask, “why are registered sex offenders being allowed to participate in online dating services?” Markin's attorney, Mark Webb stated that, “the suspect (Wurtzel) has a history involving sexual assault cases that should have been caught by”(ABC News U.S.,2011) The woman is not suing for money, but rather to ensure dating services will monitor people more carefully before posting individual profiles. I believe these sites should monitor their site and clientele more carefully.

Conversely, maybe more responsibility needs to lie with the individual as one should take responsibility for one’s own well being?

Yes, if we rely on other to keep us safe we are living in a fantasy world. It is each individual’s responsibility to ensure they are not allowing themselves to get into situations where they are endangering themselves or are unfamiliar with their own surroundings. Further, why would anyone allow an individual into their home on a second date with a person they met in an online environment? We need to be aware of our surroundings and the people we are dealing with. The sex offender registry is free on the world-wide-web and can be used to determine who the sexual predators are in a given area, so maybe those planning on using internet dating sites should do a little research before going out with an individual – or only meet them in a public location.

If Wurtzel had not had a previous record of being a sexual predator and still committed this act of violence would the unknown lady still have sued My thought is, probably. Some people in today’s society look for any reason to sue. They don’t want to take responsibility for their actions and would rather put the blame on others. In the case of using a dating site, are individuals to complacent? Do they have a responsibility to keep themselves safe? Yes.

To answer the question “Are you Safe with Online Dating?” I would have to say, NO as society no longer gives us the freedom to trust others. We now live in a society where it behooves us to verify information and to not trust anyone until we have validated that trust in a manner we feel is conducive to keeping ourselves safe.

ABC News U.S. (2011). Woman sues over sex assault. Retrieved from (2011). Single parents: lawsuit reinforces the importance of safe dating practices – both online and in real life. Retrieved from

Ripoff Report. (2011). Complain review: Alan Paul Wurtzel. Retrieved from

Gay, M. (2011). Alan Wurtzel news: Woman suing speaks out about alleged lawsuit. Aol News. 2011 April 19, p. 1. Retrieved from

1 comment:

AL said...

What happened to conversing and looking at the physical characteristics of a person? Women, anyone can write a note or two to describe themselves but are they truly what or who they say? Men, are you too shallow to speak to a lady one on one? Hint, you can tell a lot about a women, by how they are dressed, how aggressive they are, and what they truly what from a man with in the first two dates. What happened to being street smart??? Online daters get out and practice what you write in your profile (i.e. travel, dance, laugh & play).