25 Years from now

It is fun to speculate on where technology is going to take us in the future. Do you ever wonder what the next 25 years will hold? Just think of the advancements in the last 5 years; the next 25 will bring awe-inspiring advancements in the way you live your life.
From purchasing items online, to nano technology that may be able to cure your cancer, imagination will be the only limit to the advancements in your life.
In the future, scientists speculate they will be able to cure disease using nanotechnology. They hypothesize about the future of treating diseases, instead of giving you a pill, or shot, they may inject you with nanobees.
Nanobees are less than 10 times the diameter of a red blood cell and are small enough to enter blood cells, but large enough to carry drugs that can be administered directly to the cell, or invading organism. This would greatly impact cancer patients. Instead of bombarding cancerous cells with radiation that will be harmful to the body, nanobees can be programmed to attack cancer cells, injected into the body, and scientists hope, destroy the cancer.
Another way technology will change your life is identification. If you ever saw the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report: you will notice, as he is walking down a street, advertisements are being beamed directly at him referring to him by name. John Anderton (the characters name) don’t forget the Aquafina; the ad says to him.
The ads were tailored to him due to retinal scanning. In the future some scientists theorize that you will be able to shop online, and traditional stores using only your eyes. Your whole life history, including bank accounts and credit cards will be connected to your unique retinal pattern.
Some envision a more Orwellian future, some of the more pessimistic among us argue; since Google records all of your activity special teams of police will sift through internet logs looking for criminal behavior. The digital age for some means more opportunity for big brother to keep an eye on you.
Will doctors inject nanobees in you, or will police drive down the street scanning everyone’s eyes in sight looking for offenders? Will you have a brain chip implanted that allows you to think of a topic, and learn what Google knows about it, as Larry Page, one of the founders of Google imagines?
No one knows for sure right now what the future holds; what is 100% certain is that there are amazing things that wait to be seen.



Chris Steele said...

This is a great article because it speculates about the future and addresses pros and cons of technology. Nanotechnology would be great because cancer is such an epidemic.

Some cons mentioned in the article about future technology was the increase of advertising, "If you ever saw the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report: you will notice, as he is walking down a street, advertisements are being beamed directly at him referring to him by name." Geo-tagging is already a problem. Imagine if companies could access our nanobots. Imagine if hackers could assassinate someone by programming someone's nanobots to attack their body. Wikileaks could take a whole other turn as well. Hackers could reveal health problems and download memories from key individuals.

Chris said...

I suppose it could be a little of both. Nanobees and Police nocking at our doors for some obscure passage in the blogspot. It will be exciting to watch it all unfold.

Peter G. said...

I think the advancement of technology is wonderful. I also belive that it will always be wonderful as long as we do not abuse it. There are many great uses for technology, but on the other hand if it is used inappropriately it can hurt way more than it will help.

AL said...

I believe technology is here to stay. We are far too gone to back! For better or for worse, bad people are going to use today's technology to hurt or horrify others, while the public service authorities, will utilize the same technology to stop or catch these evil people.

Anonymous said...

It is exciting to read about the advances in medicine due to nanotechnology. After the death of my grandmother from the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s, her brain was donated for medical research. Recent reports have stated that the emerging field of nanotechnology is playing a huge role in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s, which is encouraging.