Knowing you Audience and Purpose

When introducing your subject you must narrow your focus to your writing. Keeping your audience/readers focused will enable you to concentrate to the required material the reader is interested in.

When starting you paper the main idea must be clear and to the point, focusing on one idea will ensure a clear and concise paper. Sticking to the point keeps the reader as well as the writer on common ground. Any key points that support the writing must be addressed to set the tone of the paper to keep you focused. Ensuring the reader is interestered will keep them in sink to a solid understanding to the passage which is being written.

Focus is one thing that clarifies purpose which enables a successful audience, tone and meaning to the point you are getting across. There are two types of tone(Informative) (Argumentative) focusing on one of these will clarify as to what type of audience you need to address. Targeting on language will keep your readers informed to the context of the main idea and pinpoint the issue.

In closing one must reserach any and all subject material related to the subject. Being prepared and knowing the writer is trying to distinguish will attract the reader will keep them interestered. When writing you must focus, have purpose and language for without these basic building blocks you will not have address the audience and purpose.

Writing guide: Focus (Colorado State University copyright 1993-2011)
Definition of focus (Colorado State University copyright 1993-2011)
How Audience and Purpose Afffect Focus(Colorado State University copyright 1993-2011)

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