Is Technology Making kids shy?

When I was a child, I would run over to my friend’s house, knock on the door and ask if he could come out and play. I had to ask my teachers to explain the material I had misunderstood in front of the class, as well as having to ask my parent embarrassing questions about growing up. Now I can text my friends to go have a drink, email my teacher, and research anything and everything online. Technology has not only given us instant information, but gratification as well. But where does the personal interaction take place? Often times, I see college graduates whom are great at research and technology, but are extremely introverted, and are terrified about giving a public speech or presentation. Sure, some people are wired that way to begin with, but is technology making us shy?

Socializing is a learned behavior. We have to practice getting along with other people. There are so many rules that need to be learned. But kids aren't getting a lot of practice at it anymore. And they're exhibiting more and more signs of shyness and social phobia. These shy kids become shy adults. Research shows an increase in shyness amongst adults within the last 20 years.

Get your kids off of the computer and have them interact with other kids. Unless interviews and dating will all be held online or through a PS2, they need to learn to interact.

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