Internet Advertisement- then and now

We believe that Internet advertising will account for a growing proportion of overall advertising expenditure. Moreover, advertising - and marketing in general - will adopt practices first developed or deployed on the Internet

- Cartellieri, Parsons, Rao, Zeisser

This journal was written back in 1997, which is not that long ago in real time but is decades ago in “technology” time. The writers were definitely on to something back then when not every household, school, and workplace in America had computer or internet access compared to today where Wi-Fi is available anywhere (if not, we can drive one more mile). In today’s market, it’s rare to see a non-internet advertisement (T.V., billboard, newspaper etc…) that doesn’t have a website displayed at the bottom of the ad.

During the early years of the internet it was obvious that advertisement would have a home there. What surprised me, looking back now, is the magnitude of importance placed on internet marketing. In the early years corporations were more skeptical about the internet market and would only advertise via Television and the print media. Today websites can function solely on advertisement and I am always glad to see new markets develop as it is always good for any economy.

-Matt M.

Journal article by Caroline Cartellieri, Andrew J. Parsons, Varsha Rao, Michael P. Zeisser; The McKinsey Quarterly, No. 3, 1997 The Real Impact of Internet Advertising


1 comment:

tm said...

Good reminder of the value of a web site Matt. As more layoffs occur in this economy, there will be even more small business start-ups that will need reasonably priced marketing sources.