Gift Certificates for Healthcare

“Planned Parenthood of Indiana is offering gift certificates for health care, including contraception, this holiday season, drawing the ire of opponents of abortion and artificial birth control” (Associated Press 2008).

In the country’s current economic state, it is difficult to believe that people would be against the prevention of births in America. I believe this is forward thinking that a facility would be willing to offer gift certificates to make it easier for men and women to have an outlet on pregnancy prevention. Even those who are against this must admit that we are in an economic crisis and anything to help the crisis would make them be more open minded. The idea of birth control and abortion is a very touchy subject to a lot of people, especially with the religious implications, however; I believe it would behoove people to turn a blind eye, and think “to each their own” for a while – instead of pushing their religious beliefs on others.

Associated Press, The. (2008, Nov. 28). Group Offers Contraception As
Present For Holidays. The New York Times, p33. Retrieved April 11,
2009, from EBSCOhost database.

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