A New Application for Tweeter

"The message only had one word. 'Arrested.'" (Simon, 2008)
It's always interesting how new technology takes the limelight to emphasize the original concept of the technology designers.
Twitter is a micro-blogging tool where users use mobile devices such as cell phones to update status or any information.
Users are almost as creative as the founders in finding different uses for the technology. According the CNN article, the
original intent of the technology was to be used in an Earthquake or any natural disasters.
People's imagination are limitless in finding applications for technology. When Sir Tim Berners-Lee first came up with the
idea of the World Wide Web, I'm sure even he had no idea the limitless possibilities of the medium. Blogs, pornography, and
instant messaging are only a few of the uses of this medium. As it continues to expand, I'm sure there'll be plenty of uses
that people or communities can come up with.


Mallory Simon, (April 25,2008), Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail, CNN, Retrieved April 27, 2008,

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