Human Capital Part Dos

This is the second part of the Human Capital blog.

Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

As mentioned previously, the greatest commodity and asset in the world today is the human capital existing within all of us. In order to achieve the maximum potential, we must grow or invest in the existing knowledge component of human capital. Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, describes what he refers to as the art and practice of the learning organization which is an organization that empowers and enables individuals to become continuous learners. These organizations can be our jobs, schools, churches or our homes. A learning organization encourages every individual to somehow stretch, grow or enhance their intellectual capital.
As Senge indicates, there is no “there” and learning is a lifelong journey, meaning individuals can create an attitude to learn while their potential or abilities in life will increase.
In summary, for us to gain the maximum potential this life has to offer, we must be disciplined enough to enforce change upon us and surround ourselves with positively influential people. At the same time, act on behalf of our own learning organization to positively impact people around us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent points regarding human capital! Working in Human Resources I can see the advancement of this ideology as the field itself has changed. Originally focused on merely personnel administration, it now encompasses all aspects of human capital including talent, performance, and compensation management. The focus is on recruiting and retaining the most valuable human capital possible, and to manage them strategically and effictively.