CEOs afraid to Blog?

“Considering how outspoken some CEOs tend to be, you'd think there must be some brave head of a major company out there itching to write a blog” (Jones, 2005).

From the above statement, and considering the obvious leadership role of these people, why would they not want to take advantage of this new technology? Blogs would seem to be a great way to deliver a message directly to all stakeholders in a very timely and efficient manner. What better way to address everything from customer’s product questions to employee and stockholder concerns about the direction of the company. All with the added advantage of receiving pure, unfiltered feedback. Ahh. Could that be the problem? Fear? Exposure is risky. And these guys know risk/reward. Don’t look for this to happen soon. You can bet their eight-figure compensation packages on that – cause they never will.

Jones, D. (2005). CEOs refuse to get tangled up in messy blogs. USA Today,
Retrieved April 3, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.

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